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Streaming Star

Unwanted borders on video component

The app I'm developing has a video component that is not full screen, and when I load a video into it, there are two very thin white borders on the right and left of the video.

The video component height & width are very non-standard, I'm wondering if it is caused by issues related when scaling the video size?

Any suggestions would help. It's ugly! haha
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Roku Guru

Re: Unwanted borders on video component

16 is the magic number!
All videos should be divisible by 16 or at least 8 or 4. If not scaling can and will most likely be off, resulting in either a 1px line on the top and bottom or sides.

I suggest trying that first. Cheers
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Streaming Star

Re: Unwanted borders on video component

Thank you for the suggestion.

Unfortunately, I tried that and had no success, the lines were still there. I tried various dimensions, all multiples of 16, with no change. The lines were still showing.

If anyone else has any other suggestions, I'd appreciate it.

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Streaming Star

Re: Unwanted borders on video component

You might check if your tv has any overscan settings available to expand the display so the bars don't show on the afflicted device.
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